Sabtu lepas (hari yg aku overwhelm update blog nie), aku online via cybercafe kat Pandan Jaya sementara tunggu isteri abes keje. Hari tue dress aku sempoi, just shirt and track-suit. Aku bayar awal kat staff CC tue, RM7 for 5hours, yeah.. quite worth it. Then, mcm biasa surfing tak hengat. Bila wife aku call jak balik time tue kol 1.20PM, baru aku sedar WALLET AKU HILANG! Damn! Rasa macam "dok tgh padang bola kat stadium pastu 80 ribu org gelakkan kebodohan aku". Aku minta tolong staff CC tue detect CCTV, tp dia cakap boss dia je ade access tue. Then aku bergegas buat report polis. Memang musibah "giler ah" tgh bulan nie kan
Secara rumusan, aku berharap boleh la jadi story mcm mamat nie next 40 years...I Created This...
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